The first step will be into the gym. This journey begins with working out in the gym for eight hours a day for two months. Once my sports doctor says I am ready, I will start down the Trans-Canada Highway, heading out from North Vancouver to Calgary, Winnipeg, Toronto and Montreal before turning south to reach New York City, a walk of 5,600 kilometres.

I will try in each community to collect as many signatures as possible on an anti-war petition that will be presented to the United Nations in New York City. The goal is to put pressure on those who can stop war and stop producing weapons for war. It is very simple. If enough people show their refusal to support war and the war industries, the UN will have to react.

I support anti-war efforts wherever conflicts exist, from the Middle East to Asia to the war-torn countries of Africa.

The Steps for Peace will begin with a caravan of two campers for a sports doctor, a media coordinator, caravan manager, myself and supporters who will help us travel from community to community